Bacteria in a bottle

Davy has it right....

Using aged water to set up a new tank is not so much for the bacteria in it as for keeping the bacteria on the aged filter material and such from going belly up.

I am in the process of setting up 5 120 gallon tanks and you can be sure they will get a fair amount of aged water in each.

Surely if you use dechlorinated water then it shouldn't kill the bacteria?
Tap water, dechloronated or not is raw water, and the contaminants will kill off good bacteria. Washing the filter media and sponges in their own naturalised environment is less harmful to them. Their colonies remain mainly intact within the sponge media core.
Aye, but there must be something in the water that is killing the bacteria - what is it if it isn't the chlorine?
I believe the way Larry describes it is much the way I set up a new tank. If you use enough established water from other tanks, and a filter innundated with bacteria, the resultant tank is no different than a mature tank that has just received a large water change. Voila' instant fish tank!
This is a justifiyable reason to have a very large tank at your disposal, so talk to your spouses..
Chlorimines, temp too high, coper, not treating the water properly. Any number of things have the potential to kill you bacteria. R-
Rose, everyone has to take a p every now and then. But did you have to take it out of copper?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :p
Dragon, this is true, however, the way she states "you bacteria", I wonder if she meant us? She is evil you know.. :look:
Was wondering if I was going to be cursed with a typo. Starting to feel left out ya know. Hey at least it's not as bad as the beers who drank too many bears. :laugh: Rose
Adding Mature water is not just about protecting the bacteria its also about giving the tanks water a helping hand in maturing which is just as important as cycling your tank.
The bigger and or more tanks you have the bigger the jumpstart you can give your new tank. The bow, when it was set up was literally a instant tank. There was nothing in or on it that was new (except for the second filter). I used gravel from all my other tanks and toped it off with some new, used a filter I had running on another tank that didnt need it right then, filled the tank with all the nasty water I would get up out of all my tanks. You have instant tank. R
Well GL I knew I Rose would think that we were insignificient.
She's that evil!!!
Talking about bacteria in a bottle, I bought some sludge remover for my internal filter. NOT RECOMMENDED, within two hours of putting the stuff into the filter and tank water, the ammonia, and nitrates levels shot up, I think what happened the sludge remover chems made the filter dump the absorbed ammo.and nitrates back into the tank. I had to do a 50% water change and then added some "friendly" bacteria to do their job. Something obviously works, be it the friendly bacteria has activated because of the contents of ammo in the water or just the environment. This morning when I did a water test, everything was back to zero again-Whew!
The fishes don't seemed to have suffered too much for their ordeal.

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