baby apple snails


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2005
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ive got 4 apple snails and ive never had any babies :S i heard they dont live for that long so i wanted them to breed to keep them alive in my tanks is there anything i can do to make them breed
apple snails lay their eggs above the water line, so if you decrease it by a couple inches they will most likely lay eggs.....but apple snails live quite a long time (well over a year and up to 3 years in cooler temps) and get huge (6 inches) i dont know why youd need them to reproduce right away, lol
in warmer temps they dont do too well atall... we had 6 that bread and after getting rind of approx 75 to the lfs we started loosing the rest...

we now have 4 left. i moved them to our sick tank and removed the heater a couple of days ago and they have all perked up loads..

as for breedign them - our just did it...

make sure they are well fed :)
i feed them cucumber and lettuce leafs any thing eles i should add?
apple snails lay their eggs above the water line, so if you decrease it by a couple inches they will most likely lay eggs.....but apple snails live quite a long time (well over a year and up to 3 years in cooler temps) and get huge (6 inches) i dont know why youd need them to reproduce right away, lol
there not in cold water and there over 6 months old so its not i want to breed them right away i want to get a few more babies so that in another six months time i done have to buy more of something i already have :p
Apple snails will eat anything (even dead fish), and breed in direct relation to the food available (more food, more breeding). It is important that they get thier greens :D but also other types of food too, flake, frozen blood worm/brineshrimp and algae tabs.

abstract said:
apple snails lay their eggs above the water line, so if you decrease it by a couple inches they will most likely lay eggs.....but apple snails live quite a long time (well over a year and up to 3 years in cooler temps) and get huge (6 inches) i dont know why youd need them to reproduce right away, lol
Apple snails get to be 6 inches?

Good god - Gary is an apple snail!
He's going to bust his little 1/2 gallon (temporary) home at the seams.
Holy cow - I guess I better get him into his new home sooner rather than later.
Only some species get that big, pomacea bridgisii and canul.... spelling? Dont get anywhere near that, there is a pomacea H... spelling? that does get huge.

Check for full info

I was a bit concerned - cuz when I first got him, he was probably as big around as a nickel. In just a couple of months, he's gotten bigger than a golf ball. I'm going to go read up on them.

willtang3000 said:
I heared that they breed like rabbits lol :rofl: :rofl:
I think you mean malaysian trumpet snails breed like rabbits ? Apple snails are not all that easy (or simple and straightforward).

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