B. Rams

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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Ontario, Canada
I bought some Bolivian rams hoping they were female and male. I should get some pictures up on here so maybe someone can take a stab at their sexes. But they were just fine it even looked like they might be pairing but one has turned a much darker color and is now attacking/chasing the other one!

Yesterday i noticed that the repressed ram woudl fight back now and then which made the other one back off.

wondering if this is a sign that htye are infact the same sex, maybe male, and i should move one to another community tank
hi Rudy

a few questions if you could let us know - just helps with the advice :D

how big is the tank you have them in, is it planted and are there places/ornaments in there to provide shelter, and what other fish have you got in there with them?

oh and other question......are they juveniles or adults? :D


could either be 2 male and are fighting, or maybe one male and one female, and their sorting out whos boss, that happened with my angels
hm maybe its pretty intense, i hope thats what it is one of them seems to be more brownish maybe showing that shes a female
I think you can tell my looking at their dorsal fins, on the male, the second and third rays will be black...or drak, on the female, only the first ray is dark
I my self have 3 rams which are male and i have read that the males have an elongated dorsal fin and the females have a faintly redish stomach and their dorsal fin is not elongated. These are, in my opinion cool fish. Nice choice
well i moved them to the 55g community along with a new germany ram
they all get along well due to the size and decor of the tank but the have their odd scuffles

they put their fins out, tilt their nose down a bit and kind of hover
then one either backs off or one chases the other
its entertaining and it seems no one is hurt at all

but this has led me to think that i have all males maybe??

even the inch and a half germany will chase the larger bolivans!!! :flex:

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