Are My Corys Getting Enough To Eat?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Eastern USA
I have a small school of Corys; two Albino, two Green.  I have a 37 gallon aquarium with 2 schools of assorted tetras, some Platys, and Gourami.  So my question is...are my Corys getting enough to eat?  I just feel so bad because when feeding time comes all the other fish rush to the top and the poor Corys just keep shuffling around in the sand.  I feed a mix of pellets and flakes for breakfast, defrosted frozen "Multipack" from PetSmart for dinner and skip a day (Saturday).  I plop in an algae wafer or two about three times a week.
Are the Corys really getting enough?  Should I just forget about it?  A few bits of food fall to the bottom and I presume the Corys eat those because they're gone in the morning.
You could get some sinking pellets for them. Or soak some food in a cup of tank water, or feed them after lights out. Or get a turkey baster and squirt food down to them.
I crumble flake right in the filter out flow so food gets to the bottom. And my kids head to that spot at lights on. Otherwise I use pellets.
You need to get something that sinks instantly. You need to be seeing them eat it.

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