"Aquatics Specialist"?!?


Fish Crazy
May 21, 2005
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Kenowhere, Wisconsin
So I went into the closest PetSmart to get this cool little heater for my Bo (thanks BettaMomma!!) and obviously had to look at the bettas...

Well, first thing that caught my eye was the TEENY cups WITHOUT LIDS!! I'm just thinking... ok, how many of these boys have jumped out? So I see this poor little baby with columnaris soooo bad. So I hand the cup to the "Aquatics Specialist" and say that I doubt this guy is going to live because he's so sick. So he says, "Oh, he's just got a little rot." ROT?! What the hell?! So I'm just thinking, God, you're a moron... and answer him, "Ummm, no, he's got a FUNGUS really bad." The guy just looks blankly at me and takes him into the back room.

At least he'll get a little attention back there.... Ok, so I see another little guy with a swim bladder problem floating a the top of his water, but he could swim around if I talked to him. And there was another guy with some sort of gill disease or infection... but he seemed to be happy and healthy other than that. I had to restrain myself from stealing--erm... buying them both. (BettaMomma, you're rubbing off on me!!).

Ok, so the thing that really made me irate. I went through every cup and looked at all the boys and see an empty cup... at first I'm like ummm... where is he? So I check the cups around him and see he isn't there with any of the other boys. So I tell the moron man there's an empty cup and he's like, "oh boy..."

So I look behind the shelf between it and the wall. Nothing. Look at the one underneath it. Lo and behold, there's a crusty dead betta bent up in the dark back there. So the moron guy puts his hand back there and pulls him out.

The whole thing is, the lids are sitting right next to the cups in a box!! I'm tempted to go back there with a dang yarn needle, poke holes in them all and put the lids on. God knows how many have gotten knocked off the shelf (seeing as it's on the end cap), jumped out, etc. I'm definitely going back and suggesting it to the manager (cause the one there does like me!).

Man... some stores just make me so irate... grrr.
My petsmarts are ok. One of the store's aquatic specialist is actually a betta breeder. But the petcos around us....now thats a different story. I have stopped frequenting them because of the way they treat their bettas (I found 3 females in with a tetra tank--all were stressed and torn up). I also found two more in with guppies--one was torn to shreds...and the other was dead.

I wonder why the stores don't feel ashamed about the terrible way they treat their animals. :grr:

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