Angel Tank Mates ?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2007
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Bishop Auckland Co Durham
i have a juwel trigon 190 which houses 3 angel fish and a pair of albino corydoras i am wanting to ad a shoal of fish as the angels are a bit shy.
i have some ideas but im not sure what to ad.
something like bleeding heart tetras not too big not too small.
i have kept large south american cichlids for about 12 years and this is my first community set up .
so any ideas ?
As you said, bleeding hearts, also black phantom, diamond, emperor & rosy tetras. Ruby, cherry or golden barbs. Perhaps some rainbowfish like Melanotaenia praecox or some of the bigger Pseudomugil signifer varieties.
I have Jumbo Rasboras and Diamond Tetras with mine. A pair of Rams may be nice too. They have cute personalities.
well i went to a large garden centre today and found that they had an aquatics department which was well stocked with tropical fish and i did the mortal sin of an impulse buy.
6 columbian redfin tetras for £10 so i asked for 7.
they were bagged up and handed to me and that was that untill i got home .
i floated the bag in the quarantine tank to see that i had 13 fish and not the 7 i paid for well i got a bagain but didnt want a shoal that big because of the tank space required.
i was going to add some more corydoras at a later date but i will just stick with the columbian tetras as the shoal of 13 is impressive to see.
the curse of the impulse buy. :blush:
Keep an eye on your new additions as they are generally renowned for being fin nippers. They may not be too bad as they are in a big group but if fins start getting nipped, the chances are it will be the Tetras.
id still add the cories as they ae a shoaling fish just like your tetras
Yeah, columbians can be fin nippers, but in a group of 13 they'll probably be too interested in squabbling between themselves to annoy your angels too much. That's a great deal, which garden centre is it, i wouldn't mind taking advantage of their genorousity!
the garden centre is peter barratts in stockton.
its a lovely place to visit very clean tanks and a good choice of fish and oddballs.
they have a nice selection of south american cichlid too they had a couple of port acaras that would have been mine if i had another tank. if only
i've got columbian tetra's in with my angels and they seem fine , only got 3 as i never see them round where i live, had one for a couple months by itself (fully grown) and it was fine got 2 little one the other week theyre also fine , abit skittish compared to the bigger one , i'm going to get more if i see them i think , not unless i see the praecox rainbows in which case illget them and get rid of my columbian tetra's
the praecox rainbows were my fisrt choice but they only had the thread fin rainbows a very nice fish but not my cup of tea.
its good to hear that your columbian tetras are fine with your angels as there are mixed thoughts but there is a pecking order in my shoal with the larger 3 swimming underneath the smaller ones.

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