Almost there


Fish Herder
Sep 23, 2002
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Well, have a few pristellas in here helping get me tank sorted. This pic has been snapped from my (cheap) digi cam and is updated ever so often here.


ooops, my server is down - back soon - sorry :(
hey andi,
plz excuse my ignorance, bvut what on earth is that? :)
I think these are cute fish - I had 5 to cycle my hex 2 years ago, (4 left) will add them to the five I got at the weekend.

Latin Name Pristella maxillaris
Common Name, Invoice Name "X-Ray Tetra"
Origin South America
Size 4cm

Ahh... yes

Have some of these in the pub tank - nice little fish

I wanted to get some x-rays, but my stupid lfs dont sell em Grrrr stupid 'pets at home' :crazy: :crazy: :angry: :( :S :blink:
You don't shop there do you!!!???

I think my big toe knows more about fishkeeping than those *[CENSORED]*! 'Tis a shame, you should show them how it is done, young Skywalker!!!

Andi - Pic of tank..... I LIKE IT!!!!!! :D
thanks gibbo - just pulled 3 snails out of it :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
tyvex said:
hey andi,
plz excuse my ignorance, bvut what on earth is that? :)
i think there may have been a misunderstanding,
i realise its a side shot of a bow front tank :lol:
but the black thingy to the left, what is that?
ty :alien:
Gibbo said:
You don't shop there do you!!!???

I think my big toe knows more about fishkeeping than those *[CENSORED]*! 'Tis a shame, you should show them how it is done, young Skywalker!!!
Yep i do, i have no choice really :S :( its all there is around here, there is a really small fish shop but they dont have much

I agree about the toe theory 100% !!!!!! :blink: :blink: :S

I get most of my stuff mail order now, but the live stock i have to get from them and the other small fish shop, nearly all the fish i have had from them died, only have a coule left, which is why my tank is only half stocked as they just die from there :angry: :S

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