Alge or some fungus help identify?

I am a Newby

Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2022
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So i started new dirted tank used potting soil. Pic bellow of soil info.
1 inch of soil and 3 inches of gravel to top it off.
Set it up and had to leave for week no filter no light it was sitting in dark room after i got back today i seen this thing all over the plants wood and on surface floating.
Did not add any checimacls except declorinator for water when first set up so no beneficial bacteria.
What it is algae or some fungus and how to fix it any ideas?


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Those pictures of the plants are cool. Snot covered plants with lots of bubbles in them :)

I doubt it's algae considering there was no light.

It's either fungus or blue green algae (Cyanobacter bacteria).

I would drain the tank and try to syphon the gunk off the plants. Then refill with clean dechlorinated water and see what happens over the next few days.
Those pictures of the plants are cool. Snot covered plants with lots of bubbles in them :)

I doubt it's algae considering there was no light.

It's either fungus or blue green algae (Cyanobacter bacteria).

I would drain the tank and try to syphon the gunk off the plants. Then refill with clean dechlorinated water and see what happens over the next few days.
Tnx maybe it is bga i read up some on it and seems to be common in dirted tanks in early stage and i had no filter and beneficial bacteria in tank so no water movement with lots of nutrients for it to grow i guess.
Cleaned as much as i can today and water change i do same every 2 days for a week and add filter tommorow see what happens. Also total black out inbetween water changes.
Tnx maybe it is bga i read up some on it and seems to be common in dirted tanks in early stage and i had no filter and beneficial bacteria in tank so no water movement with lots of nutrients for it to grow i guess.
Cleaned as much as i can today and water change i do same every 2 days for a week and add filter tommorow see what happens. Also total black out inbetween water changes.
Harmless when kept in check. All my tanks have a small amount of that stuff. Never bothered to ID it. San Diego water is prone to diatoms and other algae.
Harmless when kept in check. All my tanks have a small amount of that stuff. Never bothered to ID it. San Diego water is prone to diatoms and other algae.
Tnx but i dont think its BGA to be honest as in total dark no light and it keeps spreading form what i can see. It is like slime and white but when taken out of water it turns dark brown as it dies off. Wish i could get positive identification so i know how to deal with it. It doesnt have any particular smell to it and looks like its comeing out from gravel as it is all over the gravel surface now. Did 2 water changes and syphon as much as i could but im not haveing high hopes about it. Pulled out all rock and wood clean it in a tub and put back in to see if it is gonna cover it all up again and i have pulled all plants from ground clean a much as i could and just them floating for now.
Take a sample to a biology lab at a university, department of agriculture or the museum and see if they can identify it for you.
i Chenged course now i filled it up with tap water not threated hopeing chlor or chlorine will kill it off.
What about emailing the pictures to the uni, museum or dept of agriculture? It might spark someone's interest.

Adding chlorinated water is another option and the chlorine might kill off whatever it is.

Keep us updated, this is interesting. :)
eMail a photo of it to some kind of college with advanced limnology, algology, or botany classes. They may be interested, and might want you to send in a sample….
What about emailing the pictures to the uni, museum or dept of agriculture? It might spark someone's interest.

Adding chlorinated water is another option and the chlorine might kill off whatever it is.

Keep us updated, this is interesting. :)
Update for you mate it worked chlorinated water and dark for 4 days with no light and its all gone and today i added rcs that been breeding like crazy in my cube tank to this one to clean it all up now and i see they are eating leftovers of that slimy stuff. Changed water today added filter media from established tank and some start plus to get it going finaly. Almost went crazy trying to catch 20 shrimps to move them have to many plants rocks and driftwood in small tank so i can get net in so i went fishing with glass tube and food in it took me 4h lol.


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