Algae problem


New Member
Aug 29, 2003
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I have what I can only describe as thread algae. It feels very similar to the filaments of a moss ball and is green to dark green in colour. It's prone to growing on the spraybar orund the outlets and around some of the plants in my tank. The tank is heavily planted with external filtration. The threads of algae can get very long and I'm pretty sure its not hair algae as that is more of a black colour and grows in short clumps which we had in the office tank a while back.

Anyone got any thoughts?
I know exactly what you mean. I still get it very occasionally to a minor degree, it collects around my Java moss. Luckily I have 2 True Siamese Algae Eaters which take care of it if I let them go hungry enough by not feeding for a few days.

You say it collects on the spraybar. I would suggest this is due to the higher oxygen levels in that area, algae will adapt to higher O2 levels where plants will not. Also the light levels will be high nearer the surface where I presume you spraybar is located. I would try lowering your flow rate or changing the flow direction. I would try floating plants positioned above the sprayba - this would help two-fold by blocking some light and absorbing nutrients. HTH

BTW The black algae you mention sounds like Black Beard algae or Fuzz algae, horrid stuff!!
Silly me said:
long thread algae algae is also a sing of to much iron.. are you dosing extra iron in your tank?
No, not dosing extra iron. I bought some fertiliser bags that are recommended from the place I bought the plants from, could it be that? The filter media includes peat granules and I also have an old large piece of bogwood in the tank itslef. I add a dose of melafix to the tank about once a month but thats the only additive I put in aside from basic tap water treatment when carrying out water changes.

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