Algae Dilemma

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Oct 5, 2006
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I have a 10gal tank heavy planted with
Glossostigma, GreenWendth, Dwarf Baby tears, Micro Sword n Micro Sword Narrow Leaf.
Dare r only 4 Platys.
This is hooked up 2 a Fuval 205, All Glass Deluxe Full Hoods n Nutrafin Fermentation.
Well da problem is that i have been overruned by algae is everywhere on the glass, plants outlet n intake.
it's mostly green long, hair like, and wavely but in some places it's brown.
I would use algaefix or my Uv if it were not 4 da 7 fry that I found... a friend told me this is vital 4 dare
survival. Not much 2 say bout dis since I've also been told that day can get eaten or pulled into the
filter. :crazy:
But moving from the main tank isn't an option 4 me right now.
As I don't have the space nor another tank n maybe moving by da end of dis month.
I did cut back on feeding all together.
I thought of introducing shrimp, or otos but I don't want 2 push it as I have herd they can be quite delicate.
Should I cut back on light but am worried dat plants wil suffer since most demand lots of light?
r dare more severe affects on da plants themselves if dont do anything 2 remedy dis?
Would water changes be sufficient in dis case? Or should I settle on managing it rather than wiping it out completely?

has anyone tried one soley or in combination?
id say do water changes and take out what infected stuff you can.
depending on how lazy you are change 50ish % day and wipe clean the infected stuff you cant remove

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