

New Member
Nov 3, 2004
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Hi was wondering if anyone could please help me.....

Bought a tropical fish tank about 6months ago followed everyones advice on the website about setting it up and then bought 4 golden barbs and 5 neon tetras. At the beginning unfortunately 1 of the neon and 2 of the barbs dies but since then it has all been fine. But today I came home and all my fish look very pale and there eyes are really big and the are not really moving about and I don't have a clue what could be wrong with them....but they look like they aren't going to last very long :no:

Any advice please.......


R x
About once every other week I do a half water change is this enough, I don't have a water tester though.
Please post test result in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, is the eye bulging out, what size tank is it.
Bad water quality, get water tested at the lfs and tell them to write the readings down, do a water change for now , add some salt, and I will leave you a link to popeye which can be caused through bad water quality.
The tank is about 1 gallon I think (about 50 litres english) and yes the fishs eyes are bulging out.
Thank you for the advice have just done a water change. How often should I generally be changin my water?
Oh it's 50litre I just wasn't sure how many gallons that was.
With new tank I was doing half water change every week until I discovered the EasyBalance solution. also changing the pads and sponges in the filter every 6-8 weeks and rinsing them every time they looked like they were cloggin up.
Put in 2.5ml per 10ltr every week and reduce water changes for up to 6months and have perfect water!

I had a 30ltr tank with 4 barbs and 6 platies. Sadly, I thought they were fine... not showing any signs of anything. One morning the water was looking a little cloudy so I rinsed the filter sponge and then was late for work. By the time i got home 8 hours later, the water was milky thick, the platies were all lying on the bottom and the barbs floating on the surface. All dead.

Had to start over. The only things that didn't die were the bristlenose catfish and the snails.

new tank is really good though with the Easy balance
Still putting in amonia remover and plant additives every week as well just for good measure but they fish were so happy they started breeding after this!

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