A Strange Predicament!


Mostly New Member
Mar 23, 2014
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Hi all.
I find myself in a strange predicament!
After waiting for a month to be able to buy some plants for my tank, it completely slipped my mind that the wood I had in the tank would dry out. I have planted my plants and as I started to finish filling the tank, in between bucket fulls I noticed my wood bobbing just above the surface of the sand. Bum!
I managed to weight the largest piece down still in the tank using an empty container filled with sand but the middle pieces were just too awkward and had to be removed to soak in a bucket.
The idea was to get some fish in a few days (U.K Father's day), but that will have to wait as the tank isn't finished.
So my question is: What should I do in the mean time to keep the plants alive? The tank is at least 50% planted and most of the plants are low tech, fast growing to get the tank established. I do have some pure ammonia, some dry fish food, I'm just not sure what to do.
Any help would be most appreciated.
I'm not the most experienced with plants, I can never manage to keep them looking nice (mostly cause I'm too lazy to prune) but I think the ammonia and fish food should be enough. You could also get a small bottle of liquid ferts or some root tabs if any of them are in the substrate. Most low tech plants are very hardy and should survive anyways.  
If your speaking about feeding plants with ammonia and fish food I wouldn't, Get some cheap plant ferts. Mostly every fish store sells them or you can order them online. Give plants around 10 hours of light, Plant food everyday and you'll be fine. Fish can keep plants alive but they need food, So Plant fertilizer is key.

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