A Great White Shark in a aquarium

I hope it does better than previous attempts. So far it's eaten which is more than any other has so maybe they need to catch them young.
Shark Bay at seaworld on the goldcoast have some tiger sharks. They seem to be doing fine. I think the key is that they need to be raised in captivity. That way they dont know no different
Hmmm, compared to a shark that was kept in a tiny tank inside a Sydney bar/nightclub, I'd say this one's got it pretty good.

Not condoning it, of course. I love sharks, and I suppose the more people can see them 'face to face', so to speak, the more inclined they will be to save them from being made into shark fin soup.
i'm all about shark research and education. theyre a highly misunderstood creature that deserves our respect (hey, they've been around since dinosaur days, not every species on this planet can say that).

they have the shark there as part of a study, which, if done keeping the health and well being of the shark in mind, i'm fine with. could help increase awareness and further our knowledge of this mysterious creature. and they say they have not definite plans to keep it, theyre basing that on how the shark responds to captivity. thumbs up from me there. but i would hope they don't try to keep it to adulthood, the space it would need................ guess we'll have to see.

its a story i'll have to try to keep up with, as i hadn't heard about it before. thanks for sharing it with us.
ooo i'm close to monterey so i'll have to go see that sometime. i think it isn't too bad, they said that they are going to being monitoring it closely everyday to see if it should remain on display, so i think that they know what is at stake and are being very careful with the shark
I don't see a problem. In fact, if they keep it successfully I could make the argument that it would behoove us (ie, people in general) to keep more of them. The Great White is an endangered species, as such we should do what we can to preserve the species. It has been shown with a great number of other endangered animals that keeping a few captive animals, with the express purpose of releasing the young into the wild, is a great way to help stave off extinction. Obviously, a proper habitat would need to be created for these creatures, but I still think it is a worthwhile project if more of these sharks could be bred in captivity and then released to the wild.


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