5Ft Tank Build


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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I have an empty 5ft tank, been empty since may 'cause i didnt know what i wanted to do with it. So yep, i've now had some thoughts
Tank: 5' x 20"x 18"
Filter: Will be a single large canister purchased (or maybe 2 smaller)
Heater: 2x 300W
Light: 2x 4ft T8
Substrate: Propagating sand, Laterite, Marble chips, Blood & Bone, topped with course sand/or fine gravel.
Hardscape: Goldvine  & Rocks (gotta do a landscape crawl to find some i like)
Plants: Crypts will feature big, other than them unsure
CO2: Probably not
Fertz: Maybe if needed
Livestock: Unsure, will think about that closer to completion
This will not be a speedy build,  as i will be making a 3D background for the tank before anything else can happen. It will come together eventually, and i will update as things happens,
Stay tuned for the background build first up
There will definately be pics :) I'll be snapping away as it progresses :)
Thank you

Will hopefully pic up the large bit of foam for the back (5ft, but will have to be sectioned to get it past the tank braces) and a 20" piece to halve and use on the sides, and then some smaller pieces to help build up areas, and make individual rocks.
Shop may not be open til Friday though, being its Xmas.
I'll definately need to pick up more render and silicone. Will be ordering epoxy to seal it
Ordered a canister today, it wont be going on here though, it will be going on another tank and the canister running on that tank will move to this one! 
Possible wood i found (it will get some trimming to go how i want it, if i decided this is what i will use)
Picked up the foam for the background, its 4x2...will need to cut the 2 down to 18", i think i will go back tomorrow though and buy a second 4x2 piece because i will be going around the sides also, also bought silicone and the sealer. I will need to get more render at some stage, as what i have isnt going to do 3-4 coat on a 5ft background lol
Also have to get a tin of expanding foam to help fill in bits, but parts are starting to come together
Will also be starting to bring together the goodies to do the DIY substrate in the next few weeks
All foam now in the house, expanding foam bought. Tonight i will start the measuring out to get rolling on the background. It will have space behind the background to put canister tubes, heaters and powerheads if needed. I'm itching to get started lol
Also started getting things together for the substrate, two bags of propagating sand bought, will need at least 4 more i think
Started the foam work, but have come to a screeching halt lol I forgot to get the nylon flyscreen! Sooooo cant do much more til i pick some up tomorrow....dontcha hate that!!
Nooo! :p I was looking forward to some pics!
Oh well. It'll look great once you're able to finish, I'm sure :)
Sooooo yep, the foam work is getting there, this is not finished though, but figured people like to see pics lol

This will end up in 3 sections before it is coated. It definitely wont go into the tank in one piece unfortunately.
Another update, still not finished yet

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