55 or 75!??


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
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I can not decide what to get. A 55 gallon tank or a 75 gallon tank for african cichlids. What do you think? I'm pretty sure I can afford either one. Pretty sure, it's pushing it for the 75 but I think I can do it. I'm so confused! :crazy: It's going in an apartment. Any suggestions would be great.
i'd go with the 75 personally (oh, i only i had the room). are you on the ground floor? keep in mind, both of these tanks will weigh A LOT!
Im going for a 55 gallon african setup with some electric yellows, haps, or peacocks. If I had the extra money I would go for the 75 gallon setup.
many a molly brought up a good point. you do have to consider the weight for an apartment. the water alone for a 75 will weigh about 560 lbs. make sure that there are not weight constraints at the complex.
Make sure you check with the Apartment Complex Manager and ask if they allow it. Some places don't. You can also see what the weight limits are and if everything works out ok, I would be extra safe and make sure to put it next to a load bearing wall.

I had a 75g in an apartment and it was ok. It was a brand new apartment tho with more rigid specs.
A 75g weighs no more than 4 average sized men, you wouldnt worry about 4 friends sitting on your sofa/couch would you? Unless it is a very old building with timber joists supporting the floor i wouldnt have any reason to worry, 6" thick reinforced concrete can take a hell of a weight.
The apartment said it's ok. I'm not worried about that. I just don't know which one would be better for cichlids if it matters. And I don't know if one is like way better than the other one. If not I'd just get the 55 and have money left over in case of emergencies, and like spring break B)
The 75 would be the better tank, the larger the foot print (the area the base of the tank covers) the more stocking capacity a tank has. Cichlids are territorial so the more room you give them to claim territories the better, if you can afford and have the space for the 75 then that would be the tank i would choose.
i wouldnt have any reason to worry, 6" thick reinforced concrete can take a hell of a weight.

Holy crap man, you talking bomb shelters or apartment buildings? :eek:

There's not 6" of concrete between floors here in the US. :no:
If not I'd just get the 55 and have money left over in case of emergencies, and like spring break

This is jmo, but 55g's are only for community fish and should never be for tankbusters. They have such a lack of depth for the big boys that it's not even funny.

I would look into a 40 breeder instead, that is much better.
smb said:
Holy crap man, you talking bomb shelters or apartment buildings? :eek:

There's not 6" of concrete between floors here in the US. :no:
Theres not???? Wow, 150mm (which is 6") is the standard depth for concrete floors in the uk, ive seen the bigger office and tower block type buildings being built with 200mm floors!!!
Go for the 75!! I got one a few weeks back, and it makes a big difference from a 55!! :D
I got the 55 gallon tank. It was on sale 80 bucks off. I couldn't afford the 75 and a stand for it. :( But from my 29 to my 55 is a big difference. It's so big! I'm excited :D Now if only I could get it out of my car :X Now I have to decide how to decorate it and what fish I can add. Any ideas?
CFC said:
smb said:
Holy crap man, you talking bomb shelters or apartment buildings? :eek:

There's not 6" of concrete between floors here in the US. :no:
Theres not???? Wow, 150mm (which is 6") is the standard depth for concrete floors in the uk, ive seen the bigger office and tower block type buildings being built with 200mm floors!!!
There might be but not any that I've ever lived in or heard about. I think that's great that you guys have that. The ones I lived in you could hear footsteps everytime someone would even walk, not to mention when they drop things or move things around. :crazy:

You are right tho that a 75g isn't all that much weight and shouldn't be a problem tho. I was just being cautious just incase since it was public and others might read it also.

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