$500.00 for a Betta?

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that this auction is somehow connected to this seller mentioned by Brooke here. Maybe this is the last of his stock and his faithful buyers are helping out the family...? That's all I can figure.
If you search the high bidders purchases, you'll see a pattern in the sellers...

EDIT~ Scratch that. I just noticed when it ended. DD were you digging thru old auctions? :lol:
wuvmybetta said:
EDIT~ Scratch that. I just noticed when it ended. DD were you digging thru old auctions? :lol:
Maybe..... :look:

Wow... I was looking at it, and it started at 35 bucks, so the bidders drove it up THAT far!!!
just think for 500 dollers... you could get 100 5 doller bettas.. or 50 10 doller bettas.. just alot more bettas!!!! ive seen the same exact fish for at a tops of 50-60 dollers... :S
SRC said:
Something tells me that the winner meant to bid $50 and put in a extra 0. And his auto-bidder was doing the bidding up to what he put as the most he would pay.

I looked at his other 13 wins..and the highest one was $50, the rest were under $30.

I highly doubt a bidder went form spending $50 to $500.
But the other potential buyer was ahead there for a little while, and that's after the price was well over $50 so that can't be the case. :dunno:
I think it's a mistake..but who knows..ya know (like we can ever reallly know :lol: we can only guesstamate n all). That fish is no where near "perfect" compaired to similar fish on AB..so I just have a hard time believing that someone would pay $500 for tat fish.

It almost reminds me of people on Ebay who have multiple account names who run the bids up on their products to make people want them more...because they see other people willing to pay extreme top dollars for the items.

Not saying this is the case..but my mind is wanting to wander off in that direction lol.
$500!! That is hard to believe. Though, a couple of months ago, I saw a pair of bettas in, Japan was it?, whose price was $900 us. Can you believe that ???!! But you should have seen them! Talk about your jaw hitting the flore and your eyes popping out! They were pure silver, like jewlrey. Honest! Pure metalic silver! OH did I want those!

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