2 bristlenoses!


TFF Founder
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Jan 17, 2002
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My female bristlenose is looking really heavily egg bound, I reckon she will lay the eggs in thenext couple of days! Unfortunately I'm going away now for 3 weeks and since they are in my community tank I doubt any will survive. I am just wondering will the parents protect the young and what size are they when they hatch (I know I'm counting my chickens (ancistrus :p ) before they hatch) but with other fish which could eat them being platies or cories is there any chance? Also should I leave any advice for the person who I am letting look after the tank as regards the young. Finally from what I've gathered bristlenoses are easy to breed (although when i asked the guy in the shop for a male he told me he'd never heard of them bred :p ) so how long will it take the female to be in breeding condition again? :)
The eggs take from 5 - 7 days to hatch at 78o F, and the young will dine on the yellow sacs. Initial growth is rapid on a diet of soft algae, lettuce, baby brine shrimp and lots of boiled spinach, but dont give too much protein as the young fry can die from swollen and constipated bellies.

The above is taken from a book called "Breeding tropical fishes" book 5 by Dr Herbert R Axlerod published in 1978.
Do you have a spare $20-$30? You could buy a ten gallon (or smaller, but ten is cheapest) tank with light fixture (or you could just use a desk lamp etc.), and sponge filter. Set this up with established gravel and water, and maybe an ornament or plant all out of the tank they are in. This should kick-start the aquarium and you may not have to cycle it. You may take the a filter pad or bio-wheel from an established tank and place it in the aquarium (remeber to scrape off any bits of food/waste) This could make for a quick emergency set-up. Just put the mom in the tank, and tell your friend to take the mom out after she's done. Oh yeah, and feed them/her. Just a thought.
If u did that then how would the male fertilise the eggs ... :unsure: ;) :p
This is advice I gave to stix a few weeks ago william.....

Fish breeding advice


The male drives the female away after breeding and he will look after the brood in a very efficient manner. The other fish may not get much of a chance to touch them. Feed them as in link above after yolk sack is absorbed. Can you seperate the couple before you go away and re-introduce them after? It would save a lot of worrying! :)

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