14 Years In The Hobby, And New Here


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
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My name is Noura and I'm a pharmacist from Syria (right in the middle of the action).

I'm excited about joining you in here. I came here seeking communication with people who share my passion for these lovely creatures, FISH!

Over the 14 years of fish keeping hobby, I kept numerous species, and did my share of mistakes, but livebearers have always been a staple in my tanks.

I currently have 3 tanks : 20g. community tank , 34g. Malawi Cichlids "Yellow Labs only", and a 6g. Guppy breeding tank.

I like raising Guppies, breeding them , and watch the offspring having breeds of their own. Actually I have a yellow Guppy who just gave birth today, but I only saved two fry because I didn't catch her in the beginning. These guys are full of personality!

If you're interested, you can see pictures of my tanks and their habitants in the appropriate section in the coming few days (members tanks section??!) if we survived up till then!

My other interests and hobbies are painting, walking, music "I like Yanni's", reading literature, Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Hope you all have a great day,
:hi: to the forum, we love to see photos of other members tanks, so your more than welcome to post up some pictures
Welcome to the forum, Noura; always nice to have people from different countries joining up :)

Stay safe!
Hi, does your country allow pictures to be posted online?
Thanks for the warm welcome everybody.
I'll put the link to my tanks' photos here as soon as I have time to upload them.
Have a great day,

Hi, does your country allow pictures to be posted online?

Hah???!!! What do you mean?

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