130 gallon planted tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2020
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Hi everyone,

I would like to share some pictures with you about my 130 gallon tank. I would like to hear what you think.
Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus, bristlenose pleco
Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, Bolivian ram
Botia almorhae, yo-yo loach
Thorichthys meeki, firemouth cichlid
wow look at those plants!! I didn't know they could get that big! What kind are they? Do you do anything special for your plants?
is your tank a 5ft or 6ft tank? I'm (painfully slowly) working at getting a 125 set up, and this is wonderful inspiration!
wow look at those plants!! I didn't know they could get that big! What kind are they? Do you do anything special for your plants?
is your tank a 5ft or 6ft tank? I'm (painfully slowly) working at getting a 125 set up, and this is wonderful inspiration!

Thank you both for your kind words!
my tank is just short of 5 feet, and about 28 inches tall.
The big bush on the left is dwarf hygro, and Limnophila, the middle “tower” is dwarf hygro and Brazilian pennywort. The large plant is an Argentine sword. Spread out through the tank there are crypts and Java fern.
I don’t do anything special, I make sure not to clean the tank bottom (debris, fish poop) all the way, that’s the only fertilizer I use for the plants. But when I see that the plants turn brown I add bottomtablets, or liquid co2 but this is only every few months.

if you’re interested, I can post pictures of the plants?
oh yes! I know nothing about plants and I am hoping to be able to grow something, and I am so impressed by how big these things are! My nonexistent knowledge of aquatic plants had me thinking that vallisneria is as big as it got, and those I guess are more vertical than bushy. I have two 3ft current USA LED lights (not their fanciest, just the kind that has blue and white but they're dimmable and programmable. They came with the tank/stand I bought (sold that tank because it was in terrible shape), so I know nothing about them, haven't even tested them.) The tank I'm going to go with is the petsmart kit, I am picking it up next week hopefully, and I know that also comes with lights so I guess I could always use both sets of lights if necessary for plants, but I don't want to get into co2 and a ton of ferts and stuff. I can probably manage root tabs and some liquid fertilizer added at each water change type thing, but nothing more than that haha.

My previous experience planting a tank involved one vallisneria plant, which was completely chowed down within 15 minutes of planting by my "apple snail".
oh yes! I know nothing about plants and I am hoping to be able to grow something, and I am so impressed by how big these things are! My nonexistent knowledge of aquatic plants had me thinking that vallisneria is as big as it got, and those I guess are more vertical than bushy. I have two 3ft current USA LED lights (not their fanciest, just the kind that has blue and white but they're dimmable and programmable. They came with the tank/stand I bought (sold that tank because it was in terrible shape), so I know nothing about them, haven't even tested them.) The tank I'm going to go with is the petsmart kit, I am picking it up next week hopefully, and I know that also comes with lights so I guess I could always use both sets of lights if necessary for plants, but I don't want to get into co2 and a ton of ferts and stuff. I can probably manage root tabs and some liquid fertilizer added at each water change type thing, but nothing more than that haha.

My previous experience planting a tank involved one vallisneria plant, which was completely chowed down within 15 minutes of planting by my "apple snail".

in my experience dwarf hygro, starhorn, hornwort, and vallis are the easiest higher growing plants. Limnophila, penny wort, and ludwigia are also good options, but a bit harder.

I’ve heard about different species of apple snails, where some do eat plants and some don’t, maybe you had a bit of bad luck with that?
You should enter your awesome tank in our February Tank of the Month contest. February’s TOTM contest will feature tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger.
@Phalloceros thanks for the tips! Will put those on mylist!

With regard to the snail, more than likely either bad luck or bad labeling at the chain store. Oh well, the snail was loved, he was named Oskar and he was cool, until he inadvertently escaped the tank and I unfortunately caused his demise with my misguided recue efforts... :(
in the "Monthly Contests" section of the forums, @Fishmanic will make a post titled something like "enter now" or "now open" for a new tank of the month contest at the beginning of each month. If the contest pertains to you, then you can click into it and read the instructions for how to enter. Generally, it involves submitting two pictures of your tank (one with a "todays newspaper" type of validation that it's a current picture), and a description. So basically, check that part of the forums frequently at the end of January/beginning of February so you don't miss out!
Also, you will see a banner at the top of the forums announcing that the entry period has begun. Just click on it to go to the entry thread. Once entry period is over, the banner will change to a VOTE NOW banner. All members are requested to cast your votes in all the contests.
Ahh perfect! I will keep an eye on that!

Some more pictures of my Bolivian rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)
And an angry bristlenose (Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus)
Beautiful fish :) is t just me, or is your ram looking a little pale? @ITViking posted a picture of his ram the other day and the stripes were coming through a lot more distinct - however, I literally know nothing about bolivian rams so if that's how he's supposed to look then completely ignore me :)

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