120 Littre Tank What Fish Are Nice


New Member
Mar 16, 2008
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can anyone help me ive got a set up 120 littre tank. im looking at some nice fish but dont know what to go for. we have had guppys and swordtails my wife likes as to thay have lots of fray. but this time im looking at some diff fish. i do like tiger barbs. but allso love the siamese fighter fish. i do know that tiger barbs do nip the fins of the siamese. is the siamese fighter fish a no go. with the tiger barbs then. any info would be great. and any info on any other fish that look nice i have a juwel rekord 120 tank. thanks
can anyone help me ive got a set up 120 littre tank. im looking at some nice fish but dont know what to go for. we have had guppys and swordtails my wife likes as to thay have lots of fray. but this time im looking at some diff fish. i do like tiger barbs. but allso love the siamese fighter fish. i do know that tiger barbs do nip the fins of the siamese. is the siamese fighter fish a no go. with the tiger barbs then. any info would be great. and any info on any other fish that look nice i have a juwel rekord 120 tank. thanks
Do you have a test kit you should really find out what your water tests for then you can go from there.
Most Barbs are nasty for fin nipping other fish not only fish with long fins but anything it comes across (in my experiance) i had 2 green barbs which woluld chase my little danio's and fin nip my fan tails. They had to go!!

My boyfriend keeps tiger barbs soi gave them to him. The tiger barbs but them in their place.... lol. Now they get along together ok.
I believe with barbs if you keep them in a big enough group they beat each other up instead of everyone else. Although I've not tested this theory. Also plakat siamese fighters don't have the long fins so could solve your problem x

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