suggest cure

  1. K

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    Hello, Iā€™m worried about my black mustard betta. I might be paranoid but I just want to make sure thatā€™s heā€™s ok. Iā€™ve noticed some of his scales are a little bruised up and on top of his eyes, thereā€™s like a white clear dot. I got rid of the plastic plant that might have caused damaged. Iā€™ve...
  2. crunch7

    Identify Disease & Suggest Cure - Pseudotropus Acei

    Hi Everybody, I just came back from a 7 day holiday. While away i had added sera holiday food 2 pellets to my aquarium. Today after returning i have found that my pseudotropus acei has developed a rounded swelling near the mouth as highlighted in the picture. the fish is eating food and is...