stocking fish

  1. MortisiaDowler

    Stocking 30L Biorb Tube

    Hello everyone, My husband bought a Biorb Tube 30L and we are cycling it now. We have two sailfin mollies in there. We were wondering what fish would be more suitable for this tank? We were thinking of guppies, rummy nose, neon tetras or cardinal tetras, glowlight tetras but we don't know if...
  2. E

    220L Stocking Advice

    Hi im just going through a fish-less cycle for a 220l tank with an external filter and also going to have  live plants and driftwood in the center of the tank   At the moment this is what i have in mind.   6x gold barb 1x rugby shark 3x kissing gourami 3x blue gourami 2x angelfish 2x pear...