
  1. Linkandnavi

    Positioning of Circulation Pumps for Planted Tank

    My new 193 US gallon tank is arriving next week. It'll be heavily planted and co2 injected, running a Fluval FX6. I've had problems in a previous 120 gallon with dead spots, particularly at the bottom of the tank and so will be using a couple of small circulation pumps to move water across the...
  2. B

    Replacement powerhead for an aquastyle 380

    Hi, I recently picked up a sweet little 2nd hand aquastyle 380 tank. It has a top filter but the powerhead is missing and i don't want to use an internal filter. A replacement genuine aquaone powerhead will set me back at least AU$35 so I was wondering whether there are any aftermarket products...
  3. E

    Water Polishing?

    Has anyone ever used powerheads with a water polisher attached? If so have you had success using them and what kind did you use? As far as chemicals go can anyone give me some recommendations to help clear up my water? Or possible filter media that could help with clarity?
  4. W


    I am new to the aquarium world and am in the process of cycling (fishless) my 75 gallon tank.  The plan is to stock with African Haps and Peacocks (approximately 20 total) when the tank is established.  Currently I am running 1 Cascade Canister 1000 (265 gph) filter and one Penguin 350 (350 gph)...
  5. TallTree01

    Fw Wave Maker?

    So, tank is 105 liters. There is little to no flow in there. So I was thinking, without buying a whole new filter, what options are there? So I was in chat and smelly had just gotten a wave maker. So questions: Would this create the flow I want? Is this a good model...