led lights

  1. S

    LED light suggestions

    I’m nearly ready to order the lights for my tropical freshwater tank setup, and am after some LED light suggestions... I do like the 24 hour cycle ones, where you can switch to moonlight setting, as my 4 year olds and 6 year old will love seeing the aquarium in the different lights. I’m going to...
  2. C

    Juwel lido 200 lighting

    Hi there, I have a juwel lido 200 tank and it comes with the standard lighting. The problem is is that it is very bright so at night time it's far too bright. I am wondering if there is a light unit I can buy that has some sort of switch to dim the light or even turn it to the blue nightlight...
  3. Balticbob

    Full spectrum LED

    I just installed a new led light system,next month I'm going to install a timer on the light and set it up properly. What you think people?