FishGuys' 227-gallon Fresh System


New Member
Dec 31, 2021
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Cape Coral, Florida
Hello everyone! I thought it was time to start documenting and working through evolution of our 227-gallon Freshwater system. This is a previous Reef tank that we turned into a freshwater aquarium. It is currently stocked with 5 (well, 4- will explain in a minute) Oscars and 4 Pictus Catfish. We went minimalist with the design and while this tank is capable of much more, we just love our Oscars. As I mentioned before, I'm Brian and my husband Brad is a huge part of this as well. We have had a reef system before and will be starting one up soon, but for now we have to work on getting everything up to speed on this current one.
This system is 227 gallons- a reef-ready peninsula 6' x 2' x 2' with extra-large 50-gallon sump. The only decoration is 2 large pieces of driftwood, so there is a lot of Oscar swim space. This is one of (currently) 7 tanks we run at home and love to see the growth and spend time with our Oscars.
Just a few weeks ago when we started on this forum, we actually had adult Oscars and clown loaches, however we have changed it up a bit. The clown loaches are now with my friend in his 240 (which was the original plan) and the adult Oscars are in another tank.
So let me explain why we only have 4 Oscars instead of the 5 that WERE in there this morning. Oscar #5, now named Jumper, decided to take a quick vacation to the floor, where my beautiful Samoyed picked him up and carried him around. I thought he was a full goner, no breathing, no signs of life. I threw him in our 20-gallon hospital tank with some antibiotics and fish protector - and this beast is moving around the tank, breathing, holding himself up. He's looking OK with some scale and fin damage, so we will be nursing him for a bit to see how it goes.
I wanted to get this thread started and will post some more system pictures! -FGB


  • Oscars.JPG
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Sorry to hear about Jumper. Was it hard to get Jumper back from the Samoyed? Looking forward to seeing how this system proves out.
Sorry to hear about Jumper. Was it hard to get Jumper back from the Samoyed? Looking forward to seeing how this system proves out.
She seriously didnt want to give him up but she knew I was dead serious so she dropped him... He's in our hospital tank now, listless but upright, breathing, and moving around. I'm guarded but high hopes!
Good to hear he's doing better now... Man, all the cat wanted was a nice fish filet
Good morning y'all! I don't know how but this oscar, which has been renamed to Phoenix (because he came back AND his blacks are blacker and reds are redder) - he's eating 100% normal now.... Oscars are clearly the tonka trucks of the fish world, I'm so excited and happy right now - Never thought his first poop in almost 10 days would make me this proud! Little dude is swimming throughout the water column and while he seems very skiddish (understandable), he's doing incredibly better. Now for some water changes and another week of observation before going back into main tank - PLUS an upgraded lid with more coverage. PS - we're starting a reef tank again... Eeek.
Our trauma Oscar, Phoenix, is still doing amazingly well! He's eating, color is coming back and extremely happy! As for the 227 system, the tank is thriving, and the 4 Oscars are growing fast. We have completed a 21-day salt + heat ICK treatment (it got pretty bad) and we are now 19 days no ICK at 82 degrees, so I'm confident that we've moved on from that issue. Now, it's water changes and slowly taking temp back to 77. Thankfully no significant issues for this system and thinks are going quite smoothly. We did find that we have a dead spot in one of the corners and I don't want to increase flow too much, so adding an air stone which has helped - but the micro air bubbles popping on the surface is shooting water down the side of the tank - any recommendations on how to stop that other than making a small lid for the section?
I mean, you could try decreasing the flow but a lid would work best for that probably.
I mean, you could try decreasing the flow but a lid would work best for that probably.
Yeah, the oscar's don't seem to like too much flow - and I do have a lid but it doesnt cover one tiny spot (of course, the spot I need covered). Looks like Dremel and Lexan will be my friends today to make a mini-corner lid.
So after just under 4 weeks, Phoenix is back in our main tank with the other Oscars. We have guarded hope because although he is completely recovered and doing amazingly well, the other Oscar's aren't welcoming him back in just yet. A little bit of chasing in the first few hours and he's sulking, but today (24 hours after adding him back) he is starting to come out, eating with the group, and slowly reintegrating. Hopefully it works out, but if not, it's certainly an excuse for another tank!!! OH - and I got the dremel and Lexan sheets out yesterday and upgraded my DIY lid to cover the extra spots so we are 100% covered and back in a good place. I'll take some video and pictures today and post the main tank updates.
Hello everyone! I thought it was time to start documenting and working through evolution of our 227-gallon Freshwater system. This is a previous Reef tank that we turned into a freshwater aquarium. It is currently stocked with 5 (well, 4- will explain in a minute) Oscars and 4 Pictus Catfish. We went minimalist with the design and while this tank is capable of much more, we just love our Oscars. As I mentioned before, I'm Brian and my husband Brad is a huge part of this as well. We have had a reef system before and will be starting one up soon, but for now we have to work on getting everything up to speed on this current one.
This system is 227 gallons- a reef-ready peninsula 6' x 2' x 2' with extra-large 50-gallon sump. The only decoration is 2 large pieces of driftwood, so there is a lot of Oscar swim space. This is one of (currently) 7 tanks we run at home and love to see the growth and spend time with our Oscars.
Just a few weeks ago when we started on this forum, we actually had adult Oscars and clown loaches, however we have changed it up a bit. The clown loaches are now with my friend in his 240 (which was the original plan) and the adult Oscars are in another tank.
So let me explain why we only have 4 Oscars instead of the 5 that WERE in there this morning. Oscar #5, now named Jumper, decided to take a quick vacation to the floor, where my beautiful Samoyed picked him up and carried him around. I thought he was a full goner, no breathing, no signs of life. I threw him in our 20-gallon hospital tank with some antibiotics and fish protector - and this beast is moving around the tank, breathing, holding himself up. He's looking OK with some scale and fin damage, so we will be nursing him for a bit to see how it goes.
I wanted to get this thread started and will post some more system pictures! -FGB
Very cute oscars! Sorry about the jumper, hopefully he recovers.

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