Nerite mosaics gallery


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
My favorite mosaic…

Hi, one of my nerites wanted to pursue her dream as an artist, so she decorated the tank for christmas… a little early but well appreciated

Name suggestions?


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I've never seen them lay like that 🤯 I've had them lay singular eggs here there and everywhere but never in a little cluster like this
I named all of mine "annoying little critter." (I HATE trying to clean up nerite eggs, and they seem to last forever) At least yours is being artistic.
I named all of mine "annoying little critter." (I HATE trying to clean up nerite eggs, and they seem to last forever) At least yours is being artistic.
i clean the ones that arent clumped the clumped ones look nicer, i clean them when the clumps grow algae
How do you clean them? I never could figure out a good way to get them off the woodwork.
scrub, scrub, scrub
Get that snail an agent! Such raw talent! 🐌🐌🐌
i might get some bamboo shrimp and red fire shrimp sometime
how do i propogate cabomba? if i want to get red fire shrimp ill have to make sure the babies can live in a thick forest of cabomba and moss (i had a tiny strand of it 1 cm and it grew to a 15 cm bush!)
scrub, scrub, scrub

i might get some bamboo shrimp and red fire shrimp sometime
how do i propogate cabomba? if i want to get red fire shrimp ill have to make sure the babies can live in a thick forest of cabomba and moss (i had a tiny strand of it 1 cm and it grew to a 15 cm bush!)
Just trim and replant the trimming
You can do that with most stem plants...just make sure you cut it with sharp scissors so the stem doesn't get crushed...otherwise it will just rot rather than take root.....and obviously remove the leaves that will be under the sand/gravel
You can do that with most stem plants...just make sure you cut it with sharp scissors so the stem doesn't get crushed...otherwise it will just rot rather than take root.....and obviously remove the leaves that will be under the sand/gravel
ohh that is why my anacharis is not rooting i used my nails to clip it and it rots a bit and then roots
ohh that is why my anacharis is not rooting i used my nails to clip it and it rots a bit and then roots
We learn something new everyday 😁

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