Cories, lots of cories.

"Venezuela Black" Corydoras



Those are nice I’ve never seen them
Melanistic strain of schultzei or aeneus, depending what source you go by. Some claim theyre separate species, some claim theyre the same.

I'm so jealous of your picture taking skills lol

Ive been trying all day to get his photo, he is tiny, quick, and i lose him!
I'm so jealous of your picture taking skills lol
And ill let you in on a secret.

I took over 200 photos today alone. Those ones i just posted of the black cory? Those are the best selected. Thats it.

My phone is FULL of photos.

Note today's count.
Note my album labeled "Fish"

And then some of my failed photos, just so you can see that not all my photos are skill. Many pure luck.


Pygmaeus (10), planning to get 5 more due to how shy they are. Figure more will make them even happier.
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Weitzmani (4, plan to breed for more since theyre expensive and hard to find)
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Ambiacus (1). Love him but unable to find more anywhere. Ive tried looking, asking for special orders, online (limited in canada), no luck. Unfortunately this is a by-catch corydoras, not one target caught for the hobby.
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Wheres the habrosus :hey:

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