Zebra danios with nerite (or other) snails


New Member
Jan 12, 2022
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I have a 20G tank with 8 Zebra danios in it (for roughly two weeks). They have been doing fine so far, but there is some brown algae forming in my tank. I would like to get some kind of algae control but after research a snail seems like a better choice than a loach or other fish. I also have some Italian vallisneria and java moss in the tank. What kind of snail would you recommend?
A Nerite is about the best snail you can get for me for helping maintain an aquarium.

They are awesome at eating algae, they dont reproduce like others and they come in some wicked colours.

Only con for some fishkeepers are they do lay little white eggs what arent easy to get rid of.
A Nerite is about the best snail you can get for me for helping maintain an aquarium.

They are awesome at eating algae, they dont reproduce like others and they come in some wicked colours.

Only con for some fishkeepers are they do lay little white eggs what arent easy to get rid of.
i have a tip:
in a very well established tank, go to some random chain store, sometimes they have massive nerites, they are more common i guess, but wayy bigger and can eat wayy more algae than those little ones you get online
will the snails eat off the algae everywhere or just the glass?
A Nerite is about the best snail you can get for me for helping maintain an aquarium.

They are awesome at eating algae, they dont reproduce like others and they come in some wicked colours.

Only con for some fishkeepers are they do lay little white eggs what arent easy to get rid of.
Yes. I used to keep Nerite Snails with Zebra Danios and still do with Leopard ones. The only problem is their eggs..
I've got a nerite, a mystery and recently enlisted two otos for algae cleaning duties. My tank is 29g. I've got to say that the snails were doing a decent job on the glass but not on the plants and decorations. The otos have taken care of those, they look as if I had scrubbed them clean.
I've got a nerite, a mystery and recently enlisted two otos for algae cleaning duties. My tank is 29g. I've got to say that the snails were doing a decent job on the glass but not on the plants and decorations. The otos have taken care of those, they look as if I had scrubbed them clean.
Otos do best in groups, 6 or more, in well-established tanks...they are a social fish
Ive heard amano shrimps are the bosses of all algae

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