Black Moor Problem


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
kent, UK
I know this isn't a tropical fish, but my black moor looks happy, it's just that when it stops swimming, his head faces the bottom of the tank and his tail faces the top, so basically the whole fish tilts forward. But when he is swimming, he is absolutely fine!!?? Wondering what it was and what i could do about it!? Thanks alot, Alex :good:
Sounds too me like Swimbladder. Could be caused by over feeding, Try not feeding for a few days. and monitor him.

Hope you can sort it :)
Post your set-up information, feeding schedule and water parameters.
Sounds too me like Swimbladder. Could be caused by over feeding, Try not feeding for a few days. and monitor him.

Hope you can sort it :)

i will do that, thanks!!!

Post your set-up information, feeding schedule and water parameters.

he is in a bowl, with a filter, and one other fantail, i feed him once in the morning, and once in the evening with goldfish flakes.
Post your set-up information, feeding schedule and water parameters.

he is in a bowl, with a filter, and one other fantail, i feed him once in the morning, and once in the evening with goldfish flakes.
It is probably a collection of about 5 problems that you are seeing here. How long have you had the tank?

Do you know what a cycle is? If not, it is very important that you go read about fish-in cycling in the beginner's resource centre. You are probably in a fish-in cycle situation.

What filter do you have?

What size is the bowl?

Take a sample of your water to be tested at an LFS for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. Write down the exact results in numbers. "They said water was ok" is not a suitable response to come back to us with.
If your ammonia or nitrite have a reading over 0 ppm, get a dechlorinator which deals with ammonia, your own liquid test kit and do a 50% water change with dechlorinated water before you reply here.

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