Channa Orienalis


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I go four of these little fellas last week

They are tiny about 4 cm long and at the moment they are eating well... very well. Greedy little buggers

1 sits above the internal filter half out the water, 1 sits in the plants 1 sits in a pit he has made in corner of tank and the other in the top corner of the tank

I don't know much about these fish but I cannot believe that this is right. Maybe they are takin a little time to settle in but again I doubt it

What set up should they have... the fact they eat very well is encouraging
never kept them, but here's a C&P:

Aquarium setup: Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) should be kept in a clean aquarium. The aquarium should be setup so that it is well circulated with calm areas. The aquariums should containe some hiding places. Plants are optional. Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) can tolerate low oxygen conditions in water because they are air breathers from an early age. If prevented from surface access, adult Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) will die due to lack of oxygen.
never kept them, but here's a C&P:

Aquarium setup: Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) should be kept in a clean aquarium. The aquarium should be setup so that it is well circulated with calm areas. The aquariums should containe some hiding places. Plants are optional. Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) can tolerate low oxygen conditions in water because they are air breathers from an early age. If prevented from surface access, adult Channa orientalis (Ceylon Snakehead) will die due to lack of oxygen.

cheers Esfa

They are quite cool fish though so want them to do well

They are feeding on spirulina enriched brine and frozen bloodworm at the moment

any other food suggestions?
Mine only eats pellets (pretty much), but most meaty foods suit them well.

how long have you had yours? do you have pics of them as adulsts and how big are yours?
Sorry, I was on about my Channa gachua, ive not got an orientalis (yet).

no worries. If you want some why not get some off the guy I got mine from. he has some left. 4 with next day postage was £28
just tried some flake on mine and they gulped it which is great as they eat anything... so hopefully they will have quick growth and start breeding for me lol if I have a pair. Only three left so need to ensure pair beofre ban!!!

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