Your New Fish Species


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
Hobart, Australia
Hi everyone!

I was thinking today about what my ideal fish was and if I could create one what would it be! I'm not a big fan of hybrids and I know a lot of people aren't, but if you could create your own fish species naturally, what would it be and what would it look like?

I'm bored so please excuse the pointlessness of this tread, I was just curious what the TFF community would say ^_^

Mine I think would be an Angelfish, but with the colours of a Red Turquoise Discus. I love angelfish but none of the different species have a lot of blue or red on them. I really love the colour of the Red Turks but I don't like discus so I though combining the two would be a perfect fish for me!

What are some other peoples ideas?

I like the idea of blue and red angelfish. If you could make them livebearers that would be cool too.
Perhaps crossing a checkered or praecox rainbowfish with an angelfish so you have the angel body with the rainbowfish colouration and ease of breeding.
I would also like Geophagus surinamensis but in a miniature/pygmy version so they only grow to about 4 inches. They would be cool

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