Your Favourite Fish?!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2012
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Just thought this would be a bit of fun! I find in my tank my fish begin to form little characters some of them very entertaining little guys; and i thought it would be cool for others to share their favourites too! I reckon there will be a few bettas here ;)

Ok, so I will ad pictures once I figure out how to use my Dads proper camera. (Since they tend to blur with my phone :/ )
But my top 3 would have to be:

1. Ben, the albino cory. Ok i don't name all my fish or anything, but i did have Ben and Jerry. But Jerry sadly passed :(. Ben now has some new friends, but i can still tell him apart. I just like him as he was one of my first fish back when i had a 25Litre.

2. Jack, the bristlenose plec. I know I said i dont name all my fish but i promise he's the only other one that has a name ;) Anyone who has seen Father Ted on tv? That's why he's called jack ;) He was seems really moody, especially with food. My shrimps sometimes climb on his head and he still wont move! So funny to watch!

3. Finally my gang of algae eating shrimps. I have 6 in total and I love them. They are definately the most entertaining feature of my tank. Just how when i changed to a larger tank they must've swam constantly for days and seemed to really enjoy it! Now everything they do just seems to be amusing! - can't get enough of them.

Please share!
my favourite fish was doughnuts the betta who recently passed away.. such a lovely character and an EXTREMELY intelligent little fishy
I like fish with character a lot, they stand out so much when you go near the tank.

I have fishies that I love so much, I almost cried when I thought I'd have to give them up when I was faced with two options: get a bigger tank or give them all away. Fortunately, I got a bigger tank so now they're with me still. X)

My favorite fish are in this order:
1) Tzuppy the hoplo (unknown actual species, could be a thoracatum). One of the many hoplos my dad has bought. I have him since 2003 and he turned out to be different from my other hoplos, as he has a flatter head and pointier snout, but his main trait that I find special are those tips on his fins. None of my other hoplos had those.
He likes to interact with people, can tell a stranger from me, mom and dad (today he was splashing at my cousins). Accepts to be hand-fed, likes to be petted on the head or sometimes hold in the palm. He has quite an appetite.

2) Bee the completely red swordtail. She's a grouch most of the time, she scared the male ever since he tried to sneak up on her to mate. Now he respects her, although they have tiny bickers over food every now and then. Bee managed to scare Tzuppy (who is 4x bigger than her), because he hit her with his tail by accident. She nipped at his tail and ever since, he watches out when he's around her. But they do hang out every now and then and interact. It's cute when they are like that.
I also love the way she beats her pectoral fins like a bee (reason why her name fits her so well).
One of her babies has inherited 90% of his daddy's coloration, has a red cap coloration on his head and has Bee's personality, lol.

3) Cracker (black berlin swordtail with red fins)- normally, he doesn't do unusual stuff, he's not a glutton when it comes to food, just eats enough to fill his gut and then minds his own business. He seems to be thinking of mating 99% of the time. When he and Bee were separated while I was preparing their new tank, he was quite sad and inactive.
The part that makes him funny is when he acts as Bee's mule. He lowers his head and sits under her. If she makes any fast moves, or even makes eye contact with him, he will run away and hide behind a rock or plant.
Even funnier when he sits in a plant, stalks her and then dashes in front of her and starts doing his mating dance, only to get ignored or spat at by Bee. LOL no wonder the only way he managed to mate with her was by sneaking up on her. He fails so much! :p
Large hoplo that spits water out of the tank when he wants feeding. Sofa is 4ft from the tank but some times he hits you on the side of your head.
Large hoplo that spits water out of the tank when he wants feeding. Sofa is 4ft from the tank but some times he hits you on the side of your head.
Mine spits at the fry cage lately. He spits at strangers sometimes but he prefers to do the dorsal attack.
Fishblast they sound awesome! The hoplo's both sounds pretty fun!
Fishblast they sound awesome! The hoplo's both sounds pretty fun!
I just hope some day I can get a nice betta too(and I mean NICE), if it ever were to live in a community tank. I don't want to repeat the "Betta wolf pack" incident where they teamed up and killed my danios and damaged my guppies.

But I'd much rather keep one in that spare 23L tank, just that mom doesn't want it in the house right now... she put her vase on the old tank's stand. -.- If I ever get a betta, it would be awesome to be a halfmoon or crowntail (only if kept separate).
Was the red tail shark but have moved to convict cichild :)
Gosh, I have so many favourites;

Gorky, my black angel, just because he's so beautiful and and is always making eyes at me :)
Mrs Whippy, the royal whiptail catfish, for her tail 'streamers' and she's got the most beautiful eyes
Russell, the calico BN, I love his bristles, and he's so cute and chubby
Gormok the oscar; who doesn't love their oscar? Even if he is grumpy, hates having his water changed and makes the most horrible faces imaginable
'The Swarm', my tiger barbs, even though they're nippy little beggars, just because they're so smart looking, and always so busy
the Congo tetras; their colours when the catch the light are specacular; nothing can beat them, IMHO; not even rainbow fish
my Adolfoi corydoras; cute, funny (they made my son's GF weep with laughter, when she first met them) and I love the gold patch on their heads and their whiskery little faces :)
Hmmmmm I'm not sure. I really like oscars, but they get reeeeaaaaly big. Maybe rams.
I love rummy nose tetras. They're my favourite little fish. But I love plecs too - they have such characters.

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