Sometimes the problem with DIY co2 can be the airline itself, Regular airline tubing can seap co2 through the material due to its lack of rigidity.
Co2 tubing is tough and stands up to the job better, however due to the lack of pressure in DIYco2 i cant see this being a problem, worht a try though!
If your going to run DIY co2, you might as well make the job as close to perfect as possible, as it is so hit and miss, the slightest leak and you do not get the results you are aiming for.
My advice if you wish to gain good results on your set up, By co2 tubing, drill the holw in the bottle cap lid slightly smaller then the tubing diameter. Dip the end of the co2 pipe in warm/hot (not boiling) water to soften it up and allow you to manipulate it though the small hole, allow to cool, then silicone the tubing,
Also, good practice to silicone the T-valves as these let air creap too!
Good luck