Yeah . . . I had a MAJOR HAUL today . . .


Fish Addict
Jun 23, 2004
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I had some major luck today. I found some items that made me very happy. :D

If you don't know, I have been working on a very well planted tank (see older photo below). Today, I went to the shop and got some more plants (star grass, cabomba, water sprite), looks pretty good. Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about is the fish.

I bought an otocinclus for the 5 gal

I bought 2 rasboras (I'll talk about it later)

Then I happened to check another shop close by. If you didn't know, I've had a pair of male endlers for about a month in the 5 gal. The shop where I got them didn't sell females (because they look like plain guppies), but today I checked another shop today, and I found them selling endlers! AND they had females mixed in!

So I bought 4 females, and 2 males of different color varieties than my other males (so I now have 3 color varieties). I introduced the 2 males and 2 of the females into my 20 gal, and put the other 2 females in the 5 gal.

Right away the poor, established, sex-starved males started chasing the females about the tank! :rofl:

Hopefully I'll have some pregnant females soon! :D

Anyway, about the rasboras. These were also put into the 5 gal. I want help identifying. They're SO BEAUTIFUL. The shop keeper referred to them as "rummy rasboras" :/

Anyway, they're grey with several vertical blue stripes. Black spots at the end of the tail, and they're anal and lower pectoral fins are a bright red. The shop keeper said their max size is 3/4 of an inch (they're half an inch long now). Along with the endlers and ember tetras, my 5 gal is now a display tank for fish 1 inch and smaller. :lol:

Anyway, here's a photo (know it sucks, but I wanted to take it in the tupperwear before I added them to the tank because it's less of a pain).

That tank is pretty well planted already.

Me and my mother wanted to well plant our 15gallon(us) but the plants we had in there died so we're gonna wait till it's done cycling.

It was cool we had these spiky plants with red along the edge of the leaves along with others.

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