Would This Be Okay For A 10 Gallon Tank


New Member
May 8, 2012
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3 male guppies(don't want a fry overload)
2-3 platys Or 1 honey gourami or 1-2 dwarf gourami
5 ghost or cherry shrimp

Any changes or recommendations would be nice, thanks :)
3 male guppies(don't want a fry overload)
2-3 platys Or 1 honey gourami or 1-2 dwarf gourami
5 ghost or cherry shrimp

Any changes or recommendations would be nice, thanks :)

I'd do one dwarf gourami with the guppies and platies. Try to avoid getting guppies with stripes, they can look like dwarfs.
Dwarf gourami can get nippy in a 10 Gal. They also get quite large, compared to the guppies.
As it matures I would expect to see nipped fins. I would go for the Honey Gourami instead.

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