Would A Small Group Of Female Bettas Be Disruptive In A Community Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2011
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As above really. Want to add a bit of colour but unsure as to whether they would start to get territorial. Got a few Discus in there, 4 cardinals, empire gudgeon, Leopard Gourami (African Bushfish), a Blue Line Goby and a Rainbowfish :)
You do know the bushfish is likely to treat your Cardinals, Goby and possibly the Rainbowfish as "live lunch" eventually? Bought 3 of my 4 two years ago, the size of a 20p coin, now 10cm and will grow another 3 or 4cm.

Bettas would have the same problem as above, but if you wanted to do it short term get 6+, it spreads the aggression of the alpha and beta females better.

Depending upon tank size (4-foot plus), a group of Congo Tetra would get my vote, WOW in Romsey have some amazingly coloured up specimens in a nicely planted display tank.
You do know the bushfish is likely to treat your Cardinals, Goby and possibly the Rainbowfish as "live lunch" eventually? Bought 3 of my 4 two years ago, the size of a 20p coin, now 10cm and will grow another 3 or 4cm.

That doesn't really surprise me, the general look of it wouldnt seem out of place in a Malawi set up. Never considered a gourami to be so aggressive. Territorial yes, but rainbow fish devouring capability? Surprises me, haha!

Thanks for the advice you 2 :good:

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