Worried About Bosemani Rainbowfish Size...


New Member
Aug 15, 2013
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So, this is my first post! I'm not totally new to this hobby, but I'm not the most experienced aquarist. I just bought by first large tank (a 55 gallon) a while ago. It is set up and running wonderfully (I cycled it then added my fish I had in other tanks). Currently I only have two platies, 3 male guppies, one amano shrimp (his companion was unhealthy and died a while ago, but I'm getting him more friends!), and one dwarf african frog. My plans for the tank entail three more female platies (which are babies of my one female), 6 panda cories, another dwarf african frog, 3 more amano shrimp, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 bosemani rainbows and a turquouise rainbow which I am being given because no one at the pet store seems to want him and to thank me for the purchase of my bosemanis.
So, all in all:
3 guppies
5 platies
4 amano shrimp
3 rainbow bosemani
1 turquoise bosemani
6 panda cories.
I am mostly concerned about the size of the bosemani. I did some research and everything seems to indicate that they are perfect community tank mates. At the pet store, they assured me that my DAF and amano shrimp and guppies would not be bothered. The tank isn't too heavily planted now but I plan on doing so soon. I just want some reaffirmation of everyone's safety from elsewhere. My amano shrimp have never been bothered by my platies or guppies or DAF, but the bosemani do get pretty large. I would also be devastated if something happened to my DAF so I want to make sure he's totally safe. I have also heard that they startle smaller fish. My current two female platties are horribly skittish and they barely have any tank mates as it is so I feel as though little would change.  Any input?
They should be fine. You should get some more rainbows cos they'll be less stressed and less likely to nip then. :)
I'm guessing that very small amanos will be eaten. Guppies tail might eager chewed but I'm not 100%. :)
Personally I wouldn't have the Frogs but  don't really have much knowledge on them so maybe someone else can comment. Boesmans like to swim so ideally you want a 4 foot tank for them, maybe 3 feet at a very minimum although as they get bigger you might have to think about rehoming them.
I'd look to having 4-5 of them to create a nice shoal and as you don't have a lot of space for more I'd stick to one species so they'll all get on happily. 

They're a very peaceful fish though so I wouldn't worry about it with other inhabitants.
Gotcha, thank you! I wanted to stick to one species but I didn't want to over stock my tank and he said the poor turquoise has been alone for 6 months and he really wants to see him go to a good home... I'm hoping he'll shoal with the rainbows?
He should be fine with the bosemanis, I found they're very cool, calm and collected went it comes to racism. ;)
Hi folks, well, I'm quite new to the hobby, but my experience with rainbows and shrimp, dating back from last week, is that paleomonetes will be hunted down mercilessly... I found the shrimp sold as live food for the first time, and sais, let's see what happenw. I was thinking mainly to my archers, but as said the rainbows went frenzily for each of them until it was over in a matter of minutes. And the shrimp hardly fitted in their mouths!
If I do see a problem I'll move them and just create a species tank... Right now they're co existing well with everyone except I haven't added the cories or rainbows (which you indicated would be the problematic element). Then again, the rainbows will get larger than the gouramis, guppies, and platies. I haven't had ghost shrimp but from what I understand Amano shrimp are much larger and if provided many hiding spaces usually do well.

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