Fish Fanatic
Hi all for those who aren't aware my tank is a jewel rio 180 which consists of 8 guppies, 7 platys, 8 bentosi tetras, 6 neon tetras, 4 German blues, 1 dwarf gourami, 1 albino bristle nose and a little khuli loach, lots of caves and hidey holes and quite heavily planted with live plants and some floating water lettuce.
I have just changed my substrate from pea gravel to sand as I want to also add some false julii corydoras (easier to find than the true julii and also I quite like them!)
I have been doing a bit of reading up on the little Cory's and I've noticed a few people adding alder cones and dried oak and almond leaves.
I have looked into getting some but want to make sure my other residents won't be affected by adding them to the tank! The last thing I want to do is put something in that will make any of my fish ill
I have just changed my substrate from pea gravel to sand as I want to also add some false julii corydoras (easier to find than the true julii and also I quite like them!)
I have been doing a bit of reading up on the little Cory's and I've noticed a few people adding alder cones and dried oak and almond leaves.
I have looked into getting some but want to make sure my other residents won't be affected by adding them to the tank! The last thing I want to do is put something in that will make any of my fish ill