Why Sell Fish In Odd Numbers?


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
Just a general question if anybody knows, many a time (not always) I see fish for sale in the LFS, £x for 3 or 5 but rarely see the price for an even number, is there a reason for selling fish in odd numbers?
Most fish at my LFS are in even numbers, except for female guppies that are sold in 3's.
The reason is money. All the books tell you to keep a minimum shoal of 6. (for a lot of common species)
The shops I have seen sell a slight discount for 5, (assuming for 5 fish they only need one bag and one shop keepers assistance to catch the fish)
however, the sixth fish you buy reverts to the single fish price. (they don't continue to apply the discount unless you buy another multiple of 5)
The reason is money.
Sorry but that's complete rubbish....do you really think, bearing in mind the usual advice from LFS, the reason is money based and it's all just a scam as they all make a recommendation of a minimum number of fish and provide a discount for 1 less???? An exceedingly pessimistic viewpoint.

It is a 'rule of nature' applied the world over in many aspects of design and one of the first things I was taught on my HND in Garden Design.

I'm not saying there isn't any unscrupulous ideas behind some pricing but the overall reason is the one above, it's not just about money.
Aquascaper - What more evidence do you need than both Maidenhead Aquatics and Southern Aquatics sell in 5's and most resources recommend 6's.
The answer here is quite simple, I think anyway. If you want the 6th fish just buy it, as the discount on the 5 saved you money anyway. If the lfs want to charge you 6 x the individual price, just make 2 seperate purchases. Job done.
Maidenhead Aquatics and Southern Aquatics aren't local, they are chains. You just seem interested in starting an argument.

Lets put this in a completely different way; if you want 6 fish and the fish shop sold the quantity discount at 6, you would get a better deal.
Most common fish especially shoaling fish are recommended in lots of 6. It's as simple as that.
My LFS gives a discount on buying six fish (for the price of five), on most species.
My favourite LFS sells in groups of four (or individually). :rolleyes: Good thing I have wanted at least eight of each of my choices so far anyway.
Not starting an argument at all just trying to stop random comments being passed as fact which may lead others astray.

The point still stands, your sweeping statement of 'fact' is based on the pricing structure of two retail chains out of thousands worldwide. That does not warrant an umbrella statement that the reason LFS sell stock in odd numbers is solely down to trying to fleece customers. You made the point that 'all the books' say a minimum shoal of 6 and that all discounted fish are sold in 5's. This is maybe true for the few species you looked at in the two chain stores you went to but how can you make a blanket statement that this covers all species in all retailers.

If anything I think you would find with a bit of research that the reason for the discount of buying 'x' fish will come about by the retailers trying to get you to take more fish from them so that they can have a higher stock turnover. This in turn gives them better discounts with their suppliers and increases their profit margins, not to mention reducing the amount of capital investment per fish in maintenance and feeding whilst it's in the shop. It will have nothing to do with minimum shoal sizes, etc.

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