Why Do Some Slope Their Substrate


Jul 16, 2013
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Having a slope in the substrate have any benefits in a planted communal tank?
I seen and heard of people sloping their tanks usually back high to a low front. The only reason I've seen is it give a deeper look to an aquarium. Is there any more positives or negatives ?
The idea behind sloping gravel/sand from high at the back to low is the front is in a bid to encourage solid waste matter to accumulate at the front of the tank to reduce the area of vacuuming that needs to be done.
oh i didnt realise that was why i thought i was doing mine this way so it looked a different depth :) now you mention it its a very good idea to help you keep waste at the front and being able to clean it much easier :) 
I don't really do this with my gravel, it's all about the same depth for my live plant roots. But it does make sense that solid waste would more likely be found at the front of the tank if you sloped your gravel.
it gives depth to the tank when you are aquascaping it and allows waste to go to the front.
Ok I think I will try it with new tank. I have noticed that my little planted comm nano 55l with white sand is flat ( flow of filter has made it uneven now) but my front is clean and back is really dirty. I think in this tank that the way the filter pump is positioned It creates a kind of whirlwind and all the waste that dosent rise gets stuck behind plants wood ect at the back.

Thanks guys
I've sloped my little nano and it amazingly does create a deeper fill. Not really getting much of the waste comming to the front still but it does look nicer
some before and after pics


I like the sloped sand look. Never thought about it being for any purpose other than cosmetic. Do the deeper areas cause problems with trapped and buried debris. I've read a lot about the importance of disturbing sand frequently to kick up anything that's under the sand otherwise as it decays it creates a gas that can kill fish.

I was getting stuff under the sand any way only 5-10 mm down easly to get up when I clean weekly so I hope it is not a problem. To be honest if there is any under there you are only going to see it around the edge through the glass so all tanks with sand probably has something under the surface. It probably depends on the amount of waste under there.

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