Why Do My Mollies Rest At The Bottom Of The Tank


New Member
Apr 27, 2013
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I have a 37 gallon tank and I'm fighting to regain decent water parameters. I know the nitrates are high but the ammonia is nearly perfect and there are no nitrites. Lately a few of my mollies, I see are like resting at the bottom and when I tap the glass a little, they quickly swim away. Is this ok? I'm attaching a picture. Also, I'm doing 20 percent water changes every day and I add Prime. Any idea what else I can do to resolve the nitrate problem? I've been losing my mollies due to the water condition.
I think that if you continue your water changes it will eventually return to normal. "Ammonia is nearly perfect" what does nearly perfect mean? The nitrate may contribute but I think it's the ammonia which is the problem unless nitrate is above 80ppm.
We really need to know all the numbers, from all the tests.
I thought I attached a picture. P
Anyway my ammonia is . 25 my nitrites are 0 but my nitrates are at 80 ppm.
Some more water changes should straighten them out. The ammonia is probably killing them.
If you are doing 20% water changes daily, and you are still seeing 80ppm nitrate, then something is wrong. Can you tell us what your tap water nitrate level is, and what your total stock in the tank is, please.
It may well be the ammonia that's killing the fish, but raised ammonia wouldn't be what's causing high nitrate with a 20% w/c per day. That's the equivalent of roughly 80% per week. It sounds like you may be somewhat overstocked.
Female mollies do rest at the bottom when they are about to give birth, and males will often follow them, to try to eat the fry, then reimpregnate the females, so that it's their genes that get taken forward. Even if it's their genes in the fry anyway. Livebearers really are a bunch of thickies.
Has your ammonia been higher than that, OP?
No the ammonia has always been between 0 and .25 and my nitrites have always been at 0.

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