Why Aren't My Guppies Growing?


Mostly New Member
Oct 17, 2013
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My guppy fry will be two months in three weeks

Tht stick on the first and last pic btw is an unsharpened pencil


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Uhrm, is that a bowl? That would probably explain it, keeping them in much too small quarters.
Other then that I have no idea, as I don't breed guppies :/ Sorry.
From the pics, they look like they are being kept in a bowl or vase of some sort.  They will soon be stunted if they are in too small of a container.
What are you feeding them?  I would highly recommend Hikari First Bites as a staple for them.  I feed my guppy fry First Bites for the first few months, then switching to Hikari Micro Pellets.  Supplement with baby brine shrimp for very happy, healthy guppy fry. 
Guppy fry should be fed small portions multiple times daily.  Their stomachs are smaller than adults, but they need the nutrients to grow big and healthy.
Also make sure they get a good amount of bright light to ensure their spines grow properly.
Can you give us a guess with millimeters, centimeters, or even 1/8's of inches?  It might just be me, but I can't properly determine their length from those pictures.
From the look on the picture, they do need a bigger tank and maybe give them baby brine shrimp. Or follow what NBL says
Give them a more varied diet. try feeding them egg yoke the fatty acid will help them grow.
your fry is a bit small but not LOADS, although I would expect them to have some colour by now...
you could move them to the community tank now. they don't look small enough to be eaten and extra room would do them good.
fishy_wishy said:
Give them a more varied diet. try feeding them egg yoke the fatty acid will help them grow.
your fry is a bit small but not LOADS, although I would expect them to have some colour by now...
you could move them to the community tank now. they don't look small enough to be eaten and extra room would do them good.
I've never tried egg yolk, though I should.  I hear it gives great results.
In my experience breeding moscow guppies, I don't have colors at two months.  Every now and then, I get a male that doesn't get his colors until six months!
Also in my experience, a two month old guppy will be chased around by adult fish because they are still rather small.  I would also keep them in their own container because the feeding needs of a two month old guppy is very different than the feeding needs of an adult fish.
NeonBlueLeon said:
Give them a more varied diet. try feeding them egg yoke the fatty acid will help them grow.
your fry is a bit small but not LOADS, although I would expect them to have some colour by now...
you could move them to the community tank now. they don't look small enough to be eaten and extra room would do them good.
I've never tried egg yolk, though I should.  I hear it gives great results.
In my experience breeding moscow guppies, I don't have colors at two months.  Every now and then, I get a male that doesn't get his colors until six months!
Also in my experience, a two month old guppy will be chased around by adult fish because they are still rather small.  I would also keep them in their own container because the feeding needs of a two month old guppy is very different than the feeding needs of an adult fish.
Yes, hard-boiled egg yolks are actually quite helpful especially for young fishes
It is actually a big vase, but all my fry just cram themselves at the top they have plenty of room...
Just make sure they have a wide surface area to swim in. Its for aeration purposes as well
Guppiesgurl said:
It is actually a big vase, but all my fry just cram themselves at the top they have plenty of room...
healthy fry do tend to swim at the top :)
also make sure the water is the right temperature 25-28 degrees C
How much water does this big vase hold?  How often do you feed them and what do they eat?  How do you heat their water?  How often do you do water changes.
I can't see how even a big vase is a good place to rear fry.  :/

Mashed (hard boiled) egg yoke is excellent... turned my fish into voracious sharks at feeding time.
It's pretty hard to raise healthy fry in a small unfiltered container- except for live foods, fry food has serious impct on water quality and overfeeding/leftover is pretty common.

You might want to consider putting them in a hang on breeder box, (hangs outside the tank)Marina and Finnex make decent ones. The fry may have less "space" but have a constant turnover of clean well oxygenated water- much more important for growth and health. Guppy fry do extremely well in them.
I'm sure this has been said, but a minimum tank size for a guppy is 10 gallons, and especially fry need a large *tank." If that is a vase there is your problem. Fry tend to swim at the top or bottom, and the reason they are at the top is probably because a vase doesn't provide mych surface area so they aren't getting much oxygen.
(Apologize for the late reply, I didn't notice the date, silly me :p )

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