White Stringy Waste


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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I posted a post earlier about my fish having ick. The ick has begun to dissapear when i started doing the heating method (aquarium salt and leaving the temperature to 80 degrees) but today, when i was cleaning out my fry fish tank, i noticed white stringy waste on the bottom of the fish tank. I added water, waited 5 minutes and i saw that it began to move ( i looked closer i saw about 4 or 5 of them). I Know its some type of parasite but i dont know what type and how to treat it. Help please as soon as possible Plus im really scared to transfer my fish since i know its a parasite and i dont want it to get on me. Can it be transfered to humans?
Did the worms have a forked tail. Y shaped tail?
Did the worms look like strands cotton, or hair like?
How long are the worms?

What fish do you keep?

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