Fish Fanatic
Hi All,
I have done a bit of searching for this problem and I hoping it is just due to new tank syndrome as Just need to confirm if I could please.
Yesterday,I decided to remove rocks driftwood and some plants and turn my sand over as I could see air bubbles in the sand (Pool filter sand )the tank has only been set up four days prior.
All went well,I expected the water to be murky from stirring the sand up as it was still murky from setting up a bit.While I was at it I added some sand from my existing tank,two reasons,1..I needed to fill a in a few spots that required a bit more sand and 2 I hope I was adding some good bacteria to my new substrate to assist in my tank cycle.
Tonight I noticed this white growth growing on the substrate,just around a plant about 3 inches in diameter,this is the only place it is in the tank at this stage,nothing anywhere else.
This developed in under 24 hrs.I have seen pics of it via google but I can only find it growing on wood.
Would this be part of the new tank cycle,it is a clearish white,just spreading out,i tried to take pics but it is just to far into the tank to get one clearly.
I intend to give the substrate a clean tomorrow and siphon this stuff off.
I suppose I am just surprised that something like this could appear in a short period of time.
Do I go into panic mode or just clean it off and keep an eye out for more.
It is growing like a mat/carpet if that makes any sense.Just looking through sites etc about this still and from memory(if it is any help) I have seen simular on uneaten food in a tank,like a mould,just a thought on what it reminds me of.
Thank you.
I have done a bit of searching for this problem and I hoping it is just due to new tank syndrome as Just need to confirm if I could please.
Yesterday,I decided to remove rocks driftwood and some plants and turn my sand over as I could see air bubbles in the sand (Pool filter sand )the tank has only been set up four days prior.
All went well,I expected the water to be murky from stirring the sand up as it was still murky from setting up a bit.While I was at it I added some sand from my existing tank,two reasons,1..I needed to fill a in a few spots that required a bit more sand and 2 I hope I was adding some good bacteria to my new substrate to assist in my tank cycle.
Tonight I noticed this white growth growing on the substrate,just around a plant about 3 inches in diameter,this is the only place it is in the tank at this stage,nothing anywhere else.
This developed in under 24 hrs.I have seen pics of it via google but I can only find it growing on wood.
Would this be part of the new tank cycle,it is a clearish white,just spreading out,i tried to take pics but it is just to far into the tank to get one clearly.
I intend to give the substrate a clean tomorrow and siphon this stuff off.
I suppose I am just surprised that something like this could appear in a short period of time.
Do I go into panic mode or just clean it off and keep an eye out for more.
It is growing like a mat/carpet if that makes any sense.Just looking through sites etc about this still and from memory(if it is any help) I have seen simular on uneaten food in a tank,like a mould,just a thought on what it reminds me of.
Thank you.