Which Plants?


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2013
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Hello everyone.
We are hoping to go out tomorrow and buy a few real plants. We are going down the tropical theme.
A little info on the tank setup. We have 3 female platys. They have been in the tank for a week now. We are still currently doing the fish-in cycle. We have 2 medium rocks,1 silk plant and a decorative barrel set. As substrate we have gravel. This was an 8kg bag for a 95l tank. We have the fluval u2 filter along with a heater on the back wall. So I guess tall plants to hide those.
Thanks in advance.
For plants you will need some source of light even for the hardiest plants. Im assuming you have a decent
light source.
Some nice hardy plants are
Almost all anubiases
Java fern
Java moss
Water sprite
Jungle val
Amazon swords (they can get quite big along with the vals)
Im not sure if you want to do ferts or not but i personally dont know anything about them so hopefully another poster can help you woith that :)
Its just 1 tube light in the hood. Its bright. Our tank is also close a set of patio doors where there is loads oflight.

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