Which digital thermometer?


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2013
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I have several of the standard thermometers which are rubbish because the paper inside obviously moves up or down so each thermometer is showing me a different reading! Would you buy this one? I'm wary as I have been caught out before on eBay with unsafe/poor quality products.

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Hmm I have something similar in my bearded dragon's set up, wouldn't know if it was suitable for water though [emoji848]

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Well mine is - it's been in over a year and still going well!
I have the ones Sarah is talking about as well. The probe is what you put in the water, not the entire thermometer. You attach that outside of the tank. I only ran mine for a short time before I took the tank down but it worked really well and I will use it again for sure.
I have actually used both types, the first one, blue one is okay but kinda ugly. So I swapped it over for the black ones from Amazon, imho having the probe deep inside the tank and having the LCD display anywhere on external tank glass makes for a neater set up.

Accuracy seems okay but have not got round to testing mine 100% yet but my tank stocking seems okay at around the 23.8c reading I get according to the display.
Do you think this one will be any good, or just cheap eBay rubbish?

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I've had really bad luck with digital thermometers. Even the brand name ones haven't lasted for me. But, I would rather buy a new one every year than deal with a standard one. I really like the digital readout and for me being able to put the probe in and the until elsewhere is a big plus. My tanks have sumps and that's where the probe goes. I don't want to have to bend to check the temp so it's nice that the probe can be down and the readout up where I can see it.

So...cheap or not, I say go for it. I've used the generic ones and the brand name and they have all lasted just the same amount of time for me 2 years max.
Digital thermometers are generally woefully inaccurate, unless you spend big bucks. Just sick to an alcohol thermometer, the £2 one I have hasn't failed me yet, it's robust.
Thanks for your reply. Thing is, I have three which all show very different temps so that makes me uncertain.

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I ended my use of them by buying heaters with built in. But, my case is a bit different than others. Living in Arizona, a desert, I don't have to worry about my tank getting too cold and in the summer the AC is always on so I never have to worry about them getting too hot either.
I wish I lived somewhere hot, I'm currently snuggled up with three blankets trying to keep warm :( ... sorry a bit off topic :')

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It's not bad most of the time but we get over 115 in the summer and in the winter we have swings of temps from day to night. You can be wearing shorts during the day and freeze to death at night in the winter. Crazy! But in the dead of summer it will be 100 degrees at midnight.
Wow! I could use one word to sum up the weather here in Britain: wet.

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