I recentley added 6 ammano shrimp to my fluval 240l tank - other inhabitants are 11 zebra danio , 6 mollies and 8 cory cat fish. They were added about 2 weeks ago.
tank is fully cycled - o ammonia - 0 nitrites - nitrates 20. 20-25% weekly water changes.
I have only ever seen 4 at once, even at feeding time - 4 will come straight out but no sign of other 2.
I have searched the tank with no joy - i have found 1 moulted skin - is it possible they have just moulted and are hiding?
It is a complete mystery.
any suggestions?
tank is fully cycled - o ammonia - 0 nitrites - nitrates 20. 20-25% weekly water changes.
I have only ever seen 4 at once, even at feeding time - 4 will come straight out but no sign of other 2.
I have searched the tank with no joy - i have found 1 moulted skin - is it possible they have just moulted and are hiding?
It is a complete mystery.
any suggestions?