Whats the hype about Cichlids?

Your PH is absolutely fine for any new world cichlid, it is not worth messing with your water perameters.

Green Terrors get to be about 8-10" and are pretty aggressive. To keep these types of cichlids in communities very big tanks are required, 100+ gallons minimum.
:dunno: Because of the monster size of Green Terrors, Im thinking maybe it wouldnt be such a great idea. Now Im focused on Convict Cichlids. I would love to get some, and breeding them would be a blast? What is some advice that you guys can give me regarding breeding Convict Cichlids. Can you keep them with Silver dollars? Will SD's eat their eggs? DO they need to be kept in a speicies tank when breeding, or a breeding tank?
So convict cichlids would be a good place to start if I am interested in breeding cichlids? If I put them in a tank with SD's, would the SD's eat the fry? Or would the Convicts guard them (I think I read they would guard them)

Sorry if I am annoying you, just trying to get my facts straight, going to go do some more research right now.
Don't apologize, that's why we're all here ;-)

Don't worry, convicts will defend their territory with all they have, and they have quite a bit! Yes, if you are interested in seeing easy spawning results convicts are certainly the choice. You'll be trying to figure out what to do with the fry!

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