What's That In My Filter?


Nov 1, 2013
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There is a sudden brownish dust-like thing in my filter!

It makes my water dirty and all my decos in my tank engulfed with its brownish 'dust'!

I have an overstocked tank and I am already planning to rehome the fishes..

Is it bcoz of the stocking issue? What is it?

For now, I am unable to take pics.. Will try to upload soon enough so you guys can have a clearer idea gow it looks like..

Even without the pics, i hope you guys can help me here.. tks..
Sounds like brown dust algae, or perhaps diatoms.
Is this tank new or newly set up?
If so, then thats pretty normal for a new tank set up to have diatoms, I had that and it disappeared by itself after a while, or you can easily wipe it off the plants and decor.
What stocking do you have and what size is your tank?
And if you could post a pic, that would help greatly.
I have a 55 Litres (14.5 US Gal) tank

My stock:
1) 3x Zebra Danios
2) 15x Neon Tetras
3) 6x Corys
4) 1x Koi Swordtail
5) 1 x Betta

It is a 4mths old tank

It is a non-planted tank with;
1) 2x XS Driftwood
2) 1x Canary Wood
3) few pebbles
4) Fake plants

2wks ago, I bought a small Live plant attached to a wood.. it didnt do well and I remove it just last wk..

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