I thought I would just sum up what people have said so far (mostly for me lol). I've also done a quick "google" on each of them to see what they do.
Melafix - Heals open wounds & abrasions, treats fin and tail rot, eye cloud, mouth fungus and promotes regrowth of damaged fin rays & tissue.
Waterlife Myxazin - lowers the count of harmful bacteria in aquarium water, treating Fin Rot, Body Rot, Ulcers, Sores and other bacterial infections. MYXAZIN will also help to control Pop - Eye Disease, Cloudy Eyes and Mouth Fungus.
Waterlife Octozin - treatment for internal parasites such as those which cause Sleeping Sickness, Hole - In - The - Head, Seawater Angelfish and Clownfish Disease, Malawi Bloat Disease and also early stages of Dropsy. OCTOZIN may also be used to treat Whitespot in seawater aquaria where CUPRAZIN cannot be used.
Waterlife Protozin - used for the control of all protozoan and fungal infections e.g Whitespot, Fungus, Neon Tetra Disease, Velvet, Costiasis and Trichodiniasis.
API Aquarium Salt - All natural salt, made from evaporated sea water, promotes healthy gill function, reduces stress and loss of electrolytes. Used to improve the efficiency of medications and reduce the harmful effects of nitrite.
API Super Ick Cure - (available as powder or liquid) treatment for Ich, a highly contagious disease, also called White Spot Disease.
API T.C.Tetracycline - an anti-bacterial medication for common tropical fish diseases such as fin & tail rot, open red sores, body slime and eye cloud, bacterial gill disease and hemorrhagic septicemia.
Seachem Metronidazole - treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius)
Kordon Rid Fungus - organic herbal treatments with multiple ingredients for elimination of external single-celled infections of fishes whether protozoan parasites (amebae, ciliates or dinoflagellates), or fungal.
Pimafix - Treats fungal infections and both internal and external bacterial infections. Formulated to work in combination with Melafix to enhance effectiveness against fish diseases.
Coppersafe - Treats infections of ick, flukes (gyrodactylus), anchor worms, velvet/protozoan diseases and other external freshwater parasites
King British Antifungal - treats fish with fungal infections and aids rapid repair of body tissues
King British Whitespot - treatment for fish with external parasites including white spot (ich), trichodina and costia.
Methylene blue - Anti-fungal agent with antiseptic healing properties. Effective against parasites including flukes and offers rapid aid to respiration problems
eSHa 2000 - wide range action treat over 18 symptoms and disease organisms. eSHa 2000 treats a wide range of fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections, helps heal wounds and protects the skin layer. Use eSHa 2000 for Fungus, Dropsy, bacteria, skin problems, gill problems, fin rot, tail rot, ulcers and wounds. Also for Neon Tetra disease and many others.
Waterlife Sterazin - used or the control of gill and body parasites which cause fish to flick when no symptoms are visible to the unaided eye. STERAZIN will also aid the control of internal parasites such as Round Worm, Thread Worm, and Intestinal Worm
Maracide - Treats Ick, Velvet and other related freshwater parasites
Maracyn - Treats body fungus, fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease and secondary infections
Maracyn 2 - (for saltwater fish) Treats popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot, dropsy, septicemia, secondary and internal infections and cotton wool disease
Maroxy - Treats fungal and bacterial infections of tropical fish and eggs
There's nothing too surprising here for me. Looks like we are all treating for pretty much the same things. Internal and external parasites, bacterial and fungal infections! It's just nice to know what options are out there. I found it really interesting that some of them treat a really broad range of things like esha2000 claims to do. [font="Verdana]
Now if only someone would tell me which ones are the best at what they do!